Tuesday, June 06, 2006

FAQ 1: What is this thing called Podcasting?

Many of the lectures are available to you in the course as podcasts. Podcasts are simply recordings which are made available to you automatically (when you are subscribed to the internet) once you subscribe to the feed where they reside. You do not have to go out and get them.

In order to listen or watch the recordings you first have to download a free program that stores your podcasts and constantly monitors the internet for new arrivals (while you are doing something else). The two I recommend are iTunes and ipodder.com, but I would use one or the other. The easiest way is with iTunes. Once you have downloaded the free program, go to "Music Store," then "Podcasts," and do a search under my name ("Reiman"). A page will pop up allowing you to subscribe to my podcast subscription. All podcasts on iTunes are free of charge. If you select ipodder.com, you merely subscribe to the feed manually, using the address "http://faculty.sga.edu/rreiman/page/history.xml."